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शंकास्पद गलत कार्य रिपोर्ट गर्नुहोस् – Report suspected wrongdoing


To report suspected misconduct, fraud, abuse, or other types of wrongdoing not in line with the SUSWA Code of Conduct, you can leave a written report below or call the SUSWA toll-free number 1810-50-00012 within Government of Nepal office hours to leave a message with the information you wish to share.

All reports will be reviewed and stored by SUSWA. 

SUSWA will focus on implementing measures and procedures of the MFA to address corruption, putting into practice MFA’s Anti-corruption Handbook for Development Practitioners and having zero-tolerance against corruption. This has two implications: 

(i) procedures and modalities are designed to eliminate corruption to the extent possible, and 

(ii) prompt action is taken in alleged corruption cases

The Project has developed its modalities and procedures to make all the project activities as transparent as possible. As directed by the Project document and as successfully practiced by the previous Finland-supported projects (RVWRMP and RWSSP-WN), all the scheme-level procurements are carried out in a transparent manner at the lowest appropriate level (predominantly by WUSCs), accountable to water user groups. Public audits and public hearings at the community level are among the key instruments to maintain transparency in the project activities.

The guiding principles of the project funding and accounting lie in the transparency, accountability and proper utilization of the fund. There is a zero-tolerance for financial misconduct and negligence. This applies to both project staff and the various stakeholders dealing with financial transactions.

SUSWA has a zero-tolerance policy toward sexual exploitation and abuse. Involvement in such misconduct is a matter of immediate disciplinary action. It might be moral or physical and applied to both male and female staff. Touching, hugging, offering something, teasing, and whistling with sexual intention also fall under it. None of the staff will ever be involved in such activities or support or encourage others or present any kind of sexual audio-visual aids.

Read more in SUSWA Code of Conduct by clicking the link above.

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This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on Finland and the Government of Nepal. Its contents are the sole responsibility of SUSWA and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland or the Government of Nepal.

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