Detail engineering water supply survey apps
Water Supply Scheme Design Package
Multiple Uses Water Services (MUS) Scheme design package
Water Supply & MUS Cost Estimation Package
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Review Platform: Water Supply & MUS Design Estimation
Scheme Construction Progress Monitoring Package
Extended Water Safety Plan (WSP+++) Package
WATER QUALITY Instruction video for inline chlorination installation (Nepali language, English subtitles)
Sensor Dashboard Tank Status Dashboard
SUSWA is piloting sensor dashboards to allow municipalities to monitor the water system functionality remotely and plan for the appropriate technical and/or financial support required in the water systems.
These sensors use ultrasonic technology to measure the water level in a tank and communicate over the local GSM network. According to the predefined set interval, it automatically sends information on the level of the water in the installed tank and displays live data on an interactive dashboard in units of volume and percentage (%). The dashboard is a web-based computer application that is used to visualize the data sent by the sensors. The dashboard is publicly available to everyone through the link above.
The dashboard provides information on how many tanks are being monitored, where the tanks are located, the tank capacity, the percentage of water level, the volume of water in the tank, and the water usage trend of a particular tank. In the dashboard, location points of a RVT in the Open Street map with different colors are set as per the hourly data.
- Green mark shows that the water is continuously flowing and there is no problem.
- Yellow mark shows that water is not available in the tank for 1-2 days and the system may have some issues.
- Red mark shows that water is not available in the tank for more than 3 days.
- Blue mark shows that the sensor is not communicating.