On World Toilet Day 19.11.22 SUSWA invited Karnali Provincial WASH Cluster members to the SUSWA office, as it was agreed SUSWA would be the organizer this year.
World Toilet Day is celebrated on the 19th of November to inspire action and to raise awareness of those who live without access to safely managed sanitation. Globally, 3.6 billion people are still living with poor quality toilets that ruin their health and pollute their environment. Inadequate sanitation systems spread human waste into rivers, lakes and soil, polluting the water resources under our feet. Every day, more than 800 children die from diarrhea linked to unsafe water, sanitation and poor hygiene.
These deaths are preventable. However, this problem seems to be invisible. Invisible because it happens underground. Invisible because it happens in the poorest and most marginalized communities.
SUSWA Sanitation & Hygiene Specialist Govinda Rokaya gave a speech on the historical background, current status of sanitation and the way forward. You can read parts of the speech here:
The event participants introduced themselves and shared on their respective organisations efforts for sanitation in Karnali. Behaviour change communication for sustained Open Defecation Free status, using the 3-star model when working for School WASH, a focus on Fecal Sludge Management and Inclusive WASH facilities were mentioned by all participants as areas where WASH agencies need to further coordinate and collaborate for sanitation in Karnali. In order to reach Nepal’s goals on total sanitation, all actors in Karnali must come together and make both the issue and the solutions visible.
As part of the celebration, the newly constructed accessible toilet at the SUSWA office was inaugurated to symbolize the start of our efforts to work with municipalities in Karnali to provide accessible WASH facilities. Inclusive toilets ensure elderly, persons with disabilities, children, pregnant and menstruating women have access to sanitary facilities in a dignified way.
The event was attended by representatives of: Disability Empowerment Center, SNV, UNICEF, Sahakarmi Samaj.
To watch a live recording of the event held today at the SUSWA office, where a path forward for total sanitation was presented, head over to SUSWA Facebook or Instagram:
More info about World Toilet Day –