Video interview with Gauri Kumari Shahi, WASH Focal Person for Mugum Karmarong Rural Municipality (RM). Brief summary in English below:
Miss Shahi presents the current status of the municipality:
There are 17% households that have no toilets in the RM. Toilets constructed are like temporary types and are not Child, Gender and Disability friendly. Privacy is not maintained as the superstructures are made of wood and are not fitted well. Toilet pans are not water sealed and fitted haphazardly. There are no pits in some of the toilets and toilet pipes drain to the stream. Toilets that have pits are about to fill. RM’s plan to overcome the problem is to formulate WASH-CC at RM and ward level and WASH CCs will take the lead in constructing and improving the toilets considering the child, gender and disability friendliness. Similarly, awareness raising activities such as interaction etc. will be conducted.