Communication & Visibility: Strategy & Action Plan for SUSWA
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Communication & Visibility: Strategy & Action Plan for SUSWA
Communication & Visibility: Strategy & Action Plan for SUSWA, June 2022
Approved by the Supervisory Board 29.9.2022.
Updated June 2023.
Approved by the Supervisory Board July 2023.
Executive summary
This Strategy and Action Plan intends to support SUSWA staff in all project related communication, from knowledge of project colours to organising behavioural change events. For SUSWA stakeholders and others, this C & V Plan will make clear SUSWA’s communication strategy, including objectives and key messages, target audience and channels used, as well as SUSWA’s Action plan for communication, such as main activities, resources and evaluation.
Clear communication that supports the process of reaching the Project goals, especially when it comes to behavioural (social norm) change, is vital. The Project’s Communication and Visibility Plan, aligned with the European Union C & V guidelines, outlines the communication activities, budget and timeline, to support holistic SUSWA communication. For efficient communication, SUSWA will also work with municipalities in supporting their own communication efforts, e.g., in making progress visual to the communities, as well as collaborate with donors’ communication focal points.
The main goals of SUSWA’s communication efforts are to promote the process of reaching programme goals on sustainability (paradigm change on cost recovery) and social inclusion (gender, disability, caste, DMM) through a focus on:
- Social / behavioural change, e.g., promotion of desired social norms through behavioural insight;
- Capacity building, e.g., training, information, knowledge sharing, awareness raising;
- Visibility, inspiration and knowledge sharing outside of Project Municipalities, e.g., clearly communicating the message and target of SUSWA in a memorable way and ensuring visibility of plans and progress to both communities and financiers for accountability while acknowledging financiers.
Through well-planned and targeted communication, SUSWA will share key messages aligned with crosscutting Project objectives, success stories and lessons learnt, and in doing so signalling norm change among communities, inspiring other municipalities and projects and ensuring public communication and advocacy towards Nepali, Finnish, European and international audiences and stakeholders.
The primary target audience for SUSWA communication are WASH service users and decision makers in Project Municipalities and Nepal ministries. The secondary targets are the financiers (Nepal, Finland and EU taxpayers) and the broader WASH community.
Channels and tools used for communication will be target and message specific, e.g., workshops and training, champions and dramas on community level. For visibility, leaflets, jingles and banners will be created on community level, with the SUSWA Website ( and social media being aimed at both local government and secondary audiences, e.g., Finnish taxpayers. An important part of SUSWA’s visibility plan is a memorable logo and visual colours, making the support by financiers visible through including emblems in line with EU guidelines.
1.1 SUSWA – a bilateral Sustainable WASH project for All in Karnali province 10
1.2 Karnali Province – a challenging environment for efficient communication 10
2.2 People-centred storytelling signalling GEDSI aligned social norms 14
2.3 Inclusive communication through a focus on accessibility 16
2.4 Province-wide alignment, joint creation and promotion of IEC materials & radio 16
4.4 Release Forms and Permissions 20
6 Target Audiences & Communication Type 24
7 Key messages by target audience 27
8 Communication tools and channels 28
8.1 Overall Visual Identity Tools 29
8.3 Behaviour change communication 30
9.1 General communication / Visibility first year activities 35
- Table 7: Action Plan 37
- Table 8: Palika Communication Budget plan 41
- Table 9: HR Requirement at M/RMs 43
12 The SUSWA brand / visibility 47
12.2 Funding partner visibility 50
12.2.1 Nepal Government emblem 50
12.2.2 Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland (MFA) logo 51
12.2.3 European Union emblem 51
12.2.4 Niras as the implementing partner 52
12.2.6 Example from SUSWA website on disclaimer and funding partner visibility 53
12.3.4 Templates and stationery 55
12.3.5 Vehicles, supplies and equipment 55
12.3.6 Display panels, Banners, event roll-ups 56
12.3.7 Newsletters, leaflets & brochures 56
12.3.8 Other visibility materials 56