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Deepa BiKa
Darma 6, Salyan
We all have our dreams. To do some things. To be some places.
But not all dreams come true.
I love my sister. She is a person with a disability. She is in a wheelchair except for the time she is sleeping. She must have a dream too.
Seeing her pain, I cry for her. She was born but she suffers. Look around. There are no roads, no walkways. The whole terrain is for wild animals and not humans. It is difficult for us to walk. Sometimes the landslides bury the trail and sometimes the slopes are slippery.
My sister cannot walk. She is in a wheelchair. So can you please imagine what life is like for her? Is being a person with a disability her own fault? Does she not deserve the right to have a life that is easier to live? Why is she forgotten?
I know she is not the only one. There are many like her in this country. And knowing that their fate is also like my sister’s burdens me.
It is difficult for my sister to use the toilet. It is made for “normal” (neurotypical) people. Every time she asks to use the toilet, we have to carry her. Sometimes I do the job and sometimes my mother does. We also have to clean her up. It is not easy for us but she never chose to burden us. Sometimes, I can feel the hurt in her heart. But the poor soul just smiles and swallows her tears.
Things get more complicated when she has her periods. All of her problems, all of our problems is worsened by the lack of water.
There is one tap for the entire village. And it too in a place that is far from accessible in a wheelchair. So she has to rely r on us for her necessities associated with wate. Sometimes, we are unavailable. Sometimes I am in school or at the market. Sometimes mother is sick and father is away and there is no one to look after her. What if she gets thirsty? What if she needs to use the toilet? In such times, she is all by herself. I wonder what must go on in her heart during such times.
But I give her hope. I make her laugh. I take good care of her needs. I am her sister and I try to understand her heart.
दिपा बिक
दार्मा ६, सल्यान
हामी सबैको सपना हुन्छ । केहि गरौँ । कतै जाऔँ ।
तर सबै सपनाहरु पुरा हुँदैनन् ।
म मेरो दिदीलाई माया गर्छु । उहाँ एक अपाङ्गता भएको महिला हो । नसुतेको बेला उहाँ व्हिलचेयर मै बस्नुहुन्छ । उहाँको पनि सपनाहरु होलान् ।
म उहाँको पिडा देख्दा रुन्छु । जन्मिनु त भो तर दुःख पाउन । वरीपरि हेर्नुस् न, न सडक छ, न राम्रो बाटो । यो ठाउँ त मान्छेको लागि भन्दा पनि जंगली जनावरको लागि हो । हामीलाई हिड्न गाह्रो छ । कहिले पहिरोले गोरेटो पुर्छ, कहिले पानीले गर्दा बाटो चिप्लो हुन्छ ।
मेरी दिदी हिड्न सक्नुहुन्न, उहाँ व्हिलचेयरमा हुनुहुन्छ । सोच्नुस त उहाँको लागि कति गारो होला? अपाङ्गता हुनुमा उहाँको दोष थियो र? अरुले झैँ सहज तरिकाले बाँच्ने उहाँको अधिकार हैन र? उहाँलाई किन सबैले बिर्सिएका छन्?
अपाङ्गताका साथ जीवन बिताईरहेको उहाँ मात्र हुनुहुन्न । यो देशम़ा धेरै हुनुहुन्छ । उहाँहरुको पनि मेरो दिदीको जस्तो दुर्भाग्य सम्झिँदा मलाई गाह्रो हुन्छ।
मेरो दिदीलाई ट्वाइलेट प्रयोग गर्न धेरै गाह्रो छ । यो ट्वाइलेट हामी जस्ताको लागि भनेर बनाइएको हो । उहाँलाई ट्वाइलेट प्रयोग गर्नु परेमा हामीले बोकेर लानुपर्छ । कहिले आमाले लिएर जानुहुन्छ, कहिले मैले लिएर जान्छु । ट्वाइलेट प्रयोग गरिसके पछि हामीले सफा पनि गरिदिनु पर्यो । हामीलाई सजिलो त छैन तर मेरो दिदीले हामीलाई जानीजानी दुःख पनि त दिनुभएको हैन नि । उहाँको मनको पिडा म बुझ्न सक्छु । जति गाह्रो भएपनि उहाँ हाँस्नुहुन्छ र आफ्नो आँशु लुकाउनुहुन्छ ।
उहाँलाई महिनावारी हुँदा हामी सबैको समस्या बढ्छ । पानीको अभावको कारणले सबैलाई गाह्रो हुन्छ । दिदीलाई सफा राख्ने, नुहाइदिने र उहाँलाई स्वस्थ राख्ने हाम्रो प्रयास रहन्छ तर पानीको अभाव र पानीलाई उहाँसम्म पुर्याउन हामीलाई सजिलो छैन । त्यसैले हामीले गर्न चाहँदा चाहँदै पनि सबै कु्रा सम्भव छैन ।
पुरै गाउँभरी एउटा धारा छ । हामीलाई नै पानी भर्न जान गाह्रो छ, व्हिलचेयर जाने त कुरै भएन । त्यसैले गर्दा दिदीको आफ्नो पानीको आवश्यकता पुरा गर्न उहाँ हामीमाथि नै भर पर्नुहुन्छ । कहिलेकाहीँ हामी घरमा हुँदैनौँ । कहिले म विद्यालयमा हुन्छु, कहिले बजार तिर । कहिले आमा बिरामी पर्नुहुन्छ अनि बाबा बाहिर गएको बेला पर्छ । त्यस्तो बेला मेरी दिदीलाई तिर्खा लाग्यो भने? उहाँलाई ट्वाइलेट जानुपर्यो भने? त्यस्तो बेला त उहाँ असहाय हुनुहुन्छ। म सोच्छु त्यस्तो बेला उहाँको मनमा के बित्दो हो?
मेरो दिदीलाई मैले हौसला दिन्छु । म उहाँलाई हँसाउछु । म उहाँको आवश्यकता पुरा गर्छु । बहिनी भएको नाताले मैले उहाँको मन बुझ्ने कोशिस गर्छु ।