Service Support Centre
Providing a safe and sustainable water supply in rural Nepal is a longstanding challenge, especially in areas prone to natural disasters. Local governments have struggled to support the WASH sector due to limited resources, and there is a need for permanent maintenance systems for water service delivery. The Government of Nepal is committed to improving these systems, as evidenced by the establishment of the Service Support Centre (SSC) under the Rural Drinking Water Service Support Center Operation Guideline, 2080, aligned with the WASH Policy 2080. The SSC concept of the Government of Nepal is yet to be practiced in many parts of the country. This provides an opportunity to strengthen provincial coordination and support mechanisms for more sustainable drinking water service delivery.
At the end of 2023, an SSC pilot started in Karnali under the Ministry of Water Resources and Energy Development (MoWRED) with the technical and financial support of the Sustainable WASH for All (SUSWA), a project that is funded by the Government of Nepal, the European Union, and the Government of Finland. The main purpose of the SSC is to monitor the functionality of water supply facilities and provide technical and financial assistance for their repair. The SSC is a network of trained staff who work under community organisations, wards, and local governments. It is currently coordinated by two full-time staff members within the MoWRED and local governments.
The SSC in Karnali aims to break the complexity of the sustainability of the water service into one clear indicator: the functionality rate, which can be expressed as the percentage of time that the service is delivered over the total time. The SSC encourages and supports local governments to discuss and set realistic targets for functionality and commit to improving functionality rates. 21 local governments have already joined the SSC network in Karnali and signed a memorandum of understanding with the MoWRED. 22 master trainers have been trained to build the capacities of water users and sanitation committees at the community level.
This year only, the SSC in Karnali aims to benefit about one thousand water users and sanitation committees across 21 Municipalities and Rural Municipalities. All stakeholders are invited to contribute to the objective to cover all Municipalities and Rural Municipalities in Karnali with the SSC support.